VH-RHG (1) Noorduyn UC-64A
Norseman (c/n

Bankstown in November of 1964 after it had been ferried from New Guinea
it had
been the personal mount of Bobby Gibbes, founder of Gibbes Sepik
Airways. Above shot
by Greg
Banfield. It was originally civilianized (ex A71-012) in 1949 for
Silver City Airways, the
Broken Hill Consortium's private airline as VH-BHG. Sold to Gibbes
Sepik Airways in 1953,
was re-registered VH-GSB.
When Gibbes seconded it for his own personal use he re-registered
it with
his initials. Based at Garoka, it had the name of his
plantation painted on the fuselage
'Tremearne Tea and Coffee Estate'. All I can discern of that
above is the 'Tea'. Later, and to
clear the
preferred rego for his Saab Safir, (ex VH-AHA), it was re-registered VH-GSG.
Anyway, it is seen above waiting to have a hopper installed inside the
fuselage for Pay & Williamson
of Scone, NSW
who were to operate it as a cropduster. They also modified
Norseman VH-GSE
for large
acreage dusting.