Grumman G-65
Tadpole NX41828
(c/n 1)

The only reason I have put this one-off
experimental type in the selection is because it was the
of both the Colonial Skimmer and Lake Buccaneer series of amphibian
aircraft, and
is of significant historical interest. The machine
first flew on 7 December 1944 with Leroy Grumman
the controls accompanied by Hank Kurt. The powerplant was a
125 h.p. Continental C-125
driving a two bladed wooden prop. Project engineers for the G-65
were David B. Thurston and
Herbert P. Lindbad.
When market studies after the war indicated that there wouldn't be
demand to produce the type, the project was
dropped. Thurston and Lindbad left to form their
own company which became
Colonial Aircraft. The C-1 Skimmer, which could be
to be an extension of the Tadpole design
evolved into the Colonial C-2 and Lake LA-4 series of