PEOPLExpress Boeing 747-243B N604PE
(c/n 19731)

PEOPLExpress flew its first
international service on 26 May 1983 from Newark to London. For
these routes a modest fleet of eight second hand
Boeing 747-200s was acquired. N604PE, seen
here in another climbing away shot
by Robert Campbell (Newark, September 1986) was originally
built as I-DEMO for Alitalia in
1971. Unfortunately the airline grew too
quickly. The idea was
right but the execution left
something to be desired. Rampant overbooking (it really had no
ized reservations system)
and lost luggage gave the wags to refer to it as "People's
Distress". Despite
the loss of several key executives Burr persuaded the Board to purchase
Airlines in Novem-
ber of 1985. Furthermore, to provide feeder
services from Chicago and Newark, Britt Airways and
Provincetown Boston Airline were both absorbed in 1986. The
net result was, after dissolving the
remians of Frontier, PEOPLExpress was itself
absorbed by the Texas Air group (from whence founder
Donald Burr had come) at the end of
1986. Most of its assets passed to Continental Airlines.