Airlines Douglas DC-3 N64423
(c/n 9251)

Frontier Airlines was formed on
1 June 1950, basically by the amalgamation of Arizona Airways,
Challenger Airlines
and Monarch Air
Lines, although in fact Monarch had gobbled up the other
two just prior to that date and
Frontier was really a change of name by Monarch Air Lines.
a Local Service airline it already
had a very extensive network, with routes from Billings to Salt
Lake City, Denver, Grand Junction,
Phoenix, Albuquerque and El Paso, with dozens of inter-
mediate cities on
line. I took the above image at Denver's Stapleton Airport (the
carrier's Head
Office) in the summer of
1960. The machine is the same DC-3 as the representative
one I have
for Monarch Air Lines. N64423 was a former USAAF C-47A-15-DL
(42-23389). Frontier
sold it in 1965 and it was written off
following a landing accident in 1968 at Teterboro, New
Jersey in 1968 whilst on lease to the Ford Motor Co
as a freighter.