VH-EWA (2)
414-08 Hudson IV (c/n 414-6041)

East-West Airlines was one of the largest
operators of the Lockheed Hudson, as an airliner, in
world. They were a common sight at Sydney's Mascot Airport in the
1940s and 50s. Seen
above is
VH-EWA being loaded for a flight to Tamworth, NSW, in 1953.
This aircraft was sold
to Adastra
Aerial Surveys that same year (as VH-AIU) and the coveted registration
passed to
a DC-3
(see next entry). It then became VH-AGS and in the 1990s was restored
as a Hudson
(registered VH-KOY) and resides at the
Temora, NSW, Aviation Museum. Ron Cuskelly
gives a
full history of it on his amazing website at: