VH-ANY Douglas DC-3CS13CG 'Yana'
(c/n 6172)

Like VH-ANK, there were two VH-ANYs, both named Yana'. The first
was a
C-47A-25-DK (c/n
13612) ex USAAF 42-93674 and it was re-registered almost
immediately after
civilianizationas VH-AVK, going to
Guinea Airways.
the DAT
(Directorate of Air Transport, who were assigning war-surplus machines
various airlines) changed
their minds and decided to give the aircraft to Guinea..
It had, therefore, to
be re-registered out of the ANA series.
'real' VH-ANY, seen above at Essendon in 1948 was an early C-47-DL,
(c/n 6172,
ex 41-38713). Like
many of its sister craft it was on the strength of the US 5th Air Force
with the somewhat obscure
nose name of "Oregon Caveman No 1'. It was seconded to
the RAAF as A30-15
with the call sign VHDAA,
but soon recoded to A65-1 with the call
sign of VHCTA. The
RAAF renamed it (not
surprisingly) 'The Arunta'. (A rare photograph
of it as VHCTA can be seen
on the photograph of VH-UZK.
It was fully civilianized in
of 1946 and flew with ANA until 1953 when
it was sold in French Indo-China as
F-OANH. It was
destroyed in the siege of Dien
Bien Phu on 4 March 1954 in the action
which was to become the
beginning of the Viet Nam