VH-UZK Douglas
(c/n 2003)

of VH-UZK are rare. The above is from the Macarthur Job
collection, whilst that below
comes from Barry Maclean, and is a take
off from an old ANA print showing passengers deplaning
at Essendon in
1944. Of note in the background on this image are the RAAF
VHCTA 'The Arunta' (later to become VH-ANY ) along with the
Douglas DC-5 VHCXC having
taken off. At the foot of the page is a photo
from an album of Sally E. Douglas taken by her
father, Eric, and thought to have
been at Launceston in 1938. VH-UZK was delivered to
Airways Pty Ltd in December of
1937. It was loaned ('chartered' was the term
used) to
the RAAF at the outset of WW II and
assumed the military identity A30-2. It
was released back
to the airline in
1940. On 8 November
1948 the aircraft departed Essendon (at 07.26)
on a flight
to Deniliquin, NSW. It was observed
in the area of Mt. Macedon at very low altitude at
around 07.40.
aircraft struck the cloud-covered
mountain near the summit shortly
afterward. The conclusion
of the resultant investigation
was that
the pilot had deviated some 9 miles to port from the track
for in his Flight Plan and failed to
comply with the requirements of the VFR, thus
violating the conditions
of his flight
clearance. The shot of the crash site at the bottom of the page
is from the CAHS archives.