S.35 Shetland DX166

This ghastly image
of a Shetland looks like a model, although I do believe it depicts the
actual DX166. The starboard
engines look like their thrust line is several degrees off
centre, but that could be the
effect of the swept back leading edge. Two prototypes of
this long range reconnaissance flying
boat were built. The Mark 1 seen above, and the
civil registered mark 2 G-AGVD. At the
time of its first flight on 14 December 1944,
the Shetland was the largest British
aircraft to have flown. This aircraft was destroyed
at its moorings
on 28 January 1946 when the on board watch crew started up one of the
generators in order to brew tea. The unit was inadvertently left
on with the result
that it became overhead and caught fire. By
1946/47 interest flying boats was rapidly
on the wane due to the availability
of long range land based types and the Shetland was
never developed
beyond the prototype stage.