G-AGVD Short
S.40 Shetland 2
(c/n S.1313)

Design of a
Sunderland replacement was actually begun before the outbreak of WW
II. The
resultant design was undertaken
in conjunction with, and cooperation from, Saunders-Roe.
As a
result two prototyes of the Shetland were laid down. The war
interrupted development
of these
machines, which had military serials DX166 and DX171. After the
war it was decided
converted the second machine to a civilian transport (the first was
inadvertently destroyed
when it caught fire at its
moorings at Felixstowe after a rating accidentally left a primus stove
burning!). By 1949 however the airlines were convinced that
landplanes were the solution to
long range air transport, causing
the Shetland to be scrapped in 1951.