XO-60 42-13606 / 42-13609

The Army Air Corp played around with autogiros
in 1943/44 but the idea never really took off.
Originally classified,
pre-war, in the "G" (Giro) category, they were changed to the "O"
classification during WW II. Seven XO-60s were taken into
inventory. The first six, including the
two shown
here were reclassified YO-60 in 1944, but were released from duties
before the "Y" could
be taken
off. The historic shot below shows the penultimate YO-60 in
company with the prototype
KD-1 NC14742 ready for delivery to Eastern Air Lines for its Camden
N.J. to Philadelphia
Post Office
service. See my entry under Eastern
Air Lines Kellett KD-1B.