Douglas B-23 Dragon (39-027)

Another superb Douglas photograph, marred
(historically) by the fact that it it devoid of any
serial number. However, inasmuch as the image is dated July,
1939, and since the first B-23
delivered in that month, there is a great probablity that this is the
first one which did, in fact,
39- 027. The B-23 was basically an enlarged development of the
B-18A Bolo (the
military version of the DC-2). 38 B-23s were produced
and many of those were later con-
to UC-67 transports. Many of these, in turn, were released
to the civilian market after
war and for a while were the pride of more than one corporate
fleet. A typical example of
civilianized one was N52327
which appears in my US ex-Military section.