(2) Fiat G.212 CP Monterosa

The image above is a Fiat photograph acquired in 1948. As
indicated in the thumbnail history
of Avio Linee Italiane under the
first I-ENEA, ALI was resurrected after WW
II and began
services using new G.212s.
This post war desgin was, in fact, the last three motor transport
produced in Italy. I assume
ALI used many of the same registrations as carried by the G.18s
of the1938 era for
sentimental reassons. i.e. ALI is back! (or some such
logic). Clearly, with
the vast range of psuedo word-type
regos still avialable, there was no need to repeat them.
Avia Linee Italiane ceased
operations in 1952. I believe this G.212 went to France as