G-AASP Avro 618 Ten
(c/n 384)

In a lecture in 1929 British aviation expert
William Farren avowed that "the good old biplane,
with all its struts and bracings etc." (i.e. what we now call parasitic
drag) was superior in many
ways to
the monoplane. (That kind of thinking can get one in trouble,
although Farren was an
figure in U.K. aviation circles and I'm sure he lived to rue those
words). Anyway,
didn't think so at the time and hence approached Fokker to acquire a
licence to build the
ever popular F.VIIb-3m in the U.K. 14 were built, of which no
fewer than half were sold in
Australia. A typical example of the latter can be seen under my
entry for VH-UNA in the Aust-
selection. G-AASP was one of two operate by Imperial Airways from
1931 to 1940.