CR-AAX Lockheed 14-H2 Super
(c/n 1508)

Divisao de Exploracao dos Transportes Aereos
(DETA) of Beira*, Mozambique operated three
Lockheed 14s. (The other two were CR-AAV and
CR-AAZ) This rare image comes from the
Mike Gormly collection. (Mike's father worked in Southern
Africa in the early 1940s). CR-AAX
at Inhambane in November 1941 although was not stricken from the
Portuguese East
African register
until 1952 (possibly they were hoping it could be rebuilt).
See the entry on
CR-AAZ for a potted history of DETA.
* Oddly, the name of the city of Beira
was not changed following the independence of Mozambique
from Portugal in 1975. Normally, the first things the
'liberators' do is rename all the cities, streets,
etc. After they've done that most independent countries then go
completely to pot...............