PT-20 N47080
(c/n 1391)

This is not a true PT-20, but
is, in fact, a Ryan ST-3KR that has been re-engined with a Ranger
6-410. This photograph was taken at Santa Paula Airport,
Southern California, in 2001. When
the USAAC evaluated the sleek Ryan ST-A
monoplane in 1939 they decided that the original
Menasco in-line engine wasn't robust enough for the ham-fisted efforts
of aviation cadets and
instead, to produce the ugly 5 cylinder Kinner engined variety known as
the PT-22. While,
therefore, the
Army Air Corps only operated 30 true PT-20s, several STAs were
delivered to
other air
arms, including the Dutch East Indies Air Force. Many of the
later wound up on the
Australian ciuvil register, and my shot
of VH-AGW is typical of