Airlines Douglas DC-8-62 N1803 (c/n

Following deregulation in
1978 and with the opening up of their mainland services, HAL, in the
1980s, purchased ten DC-8-62s and -63s, mainly from Braniff and
Alitalia. This one was ex-Braniff
and is the same aircraft I
used as their representative type. This nice shot is by Frank C. Duarte
Jr. and
was taken at LAX's old
West Imperial Terminal in January of 1986. HAL, along with
several other
(mainly non-sked) carriers used a
sort of "overflow" terminal on the south side of the field due to space
constraints in the main terminal
buildings. (That site, incidentally, was a former bowling alley
where I
used to participate in the
Western Air Lines league in the 1950s).