Eastern Air
Lines Douglas DC-2 NC14970
(c/n 1373)

In 1933 control of North American Aviation (owners of Eastern Air
Transport) passed to General
Corporation. No sooner had that happened (early 1934) then the
government cancelled all
the air mail
contracts and gave them to the U.S. Army. After a
disastrous month in which five aircraft
crashed and night
flying was abandoned altogether, the government reversed itself and
re-issued civilian
air mail
contracts. However, the stipulation was that no holder of a
pre-1934 contract could bid on a
one. So it was that Eastern Air Transport was re-structured and
became Eastern Air Lines. In
1935, while
still a vice-President of North American Aviation, former WW I hero
Captain Eddie
Rickenbacker took
over at the "new" Eastern Air Lines. His first act was to get
rid of all the old
Condors and
Kingbirds and replace them with a fleet of new DC-2s and Lockheed 10A
The DC-2 cut the flying time from New
York to Miami to 8 hours and was an instant success. It was
in vogue in
those days to display the airline slogan trade mark name instead of the
corporate name itself,
and hence all
Eastern's equipment bore the legend "The Great Silver Fleet".
This trend continued until
after WW
II. In the line-up below the DC-2s distinctive nose mounted
landing lights can be seen.
At least eight
Eastern DC-2s were impressed into military service with the Royal Australian Air Force
in the early days of WWII