Airlines Airbus A300B4-203
(c/n 154)

In 1986 Eastern Airlines was
taken over by the Texas Air Group, headed up by Frank Lorenzo.
In order to
attempt to keep it alive he was forced to slim that carrier down (until
it went bankrupt)
following a
disastrous strike by the International Association of Machinists. Part
of the slimming down
process meant the
distribution of Eastern's assets to other subsidiaries within the
Group. As a result,
acquired a large fleet of Airbus A300s. Seen above is
N72986 (formerly N223EA) in
full gold tail
livery just about to touch down at LAX in August of 1991.
In that same year Continental
devised a brand
new paint scheme and N235EA is seen wearing it (below) at the exact
same venue in
August 1992.
A300B4-203 N235EA
(c/n 274)

the Second Bankruptcy
Continental filed for bankruptcy again
in 1991 (I wish I could file
bankruptcy every ten years - that
would do wonders for my bill
ability). Anyway, shortly before that they went to the expense
and trouble
of repainting their fleet in the new white and blue livery as carried
on the Airbus above.
There were a
number of circumstances behind the second bankruptcy:
First, Frank
Lorenzo had left
Continental to dedicate himself
full time to Eastern
and it seemed propitious to clean house at
that time. Secondly, fuel prices had risen because of Iraq's
invasion of Kuwait
and the
resulting Gulf
War. Added to this was the
fact that People Express had been highly leveraged at the time of
its merger
with Continental, having previously purchased Frontier Airlines two
years before. In 1993 Air Canada,
along with Air Partners and
the Texas Pacific Group assisted Continental in coming out of chapter
once more, by investing $450
million in the airline. The new leader was Gordon
Bethune. Under his
management the airline sold off its Airbus and MD-82
equipment and became an all Boeing line. Finally,
by 1995 the Denver hub (the
original head office of Continental in the 1930s and 1940s before its
to LAX) had been eliminated
entirely, and everything had been pulled back to Houston. For a
account of this era in Continental's fortunes and
misfortunes read Gordon Bethune's book "From Worst
to First".