Airlines McDonnell Douglas DC-9-31 N970VJ
(c/n 47050)

This image shows the DC-9 in original Allegheny livery,
before the adoption of the multi red
purple design, plenty of samples of which can be found on various web
sites. Theoretically,
machine should be described as a "Douglas" DC-9, since the merger
of the Douglas Aircraft
Company with
the McDonnell Aircraft Corporation had not taken place when the
original order
placed. The merger was effective April 28 1967, whilst N970VJ was
delivered in June of
that year. In 1968 Allegheny merged with Lake Central Airlines, and in 1972 it
acquired Mohawk
Airlines. With deregulation in 1978 came an expansionist period
within the airline industry (actually
the beginning
of the end of the industry as we once knew it) and in 1979 it was
decided to change
the corporate
name from the regionally suggestive Allegheny to the all ranging U S
(truncated to
USAir). Further acquisitions merged PSA with the airline in 1988
and Piedmont
in 1989. By 1997 management decided to revert back to the
corporate name of U S
Once a low cost carrier itself, U S Airways faced increasing
competition from upstarts
and filed
Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 2004. Hopefully a recent (fall of 2005)
merger with America
West Airlines will ensure that the successor of Allegheny Airlines
continues to fly into the foreseeable