Air Express Lockheed Vega 5C
(c/n 99)

Air Express
Corporation was formed by Phillip H. Philbin of Denver to operate a
fast transcontinental
all-freight service in
1933-34 using primarily Lockheed Orions. It also had this Vega
with special high-
speed wire-braced
landing gear which was finished overall in silver with "Air Express"
titling. A demand-
ing 16-17 hour coast-to-coast schedule was maintained for about 18
months and regularly transported
California flowers to New York and eastern
lobsters to L.A. The company folded in 1934.
The Vega,
in the meanwhile, gravitated to Seattle where
it was fitted with floats (see below) and purchased at a
sheriff's sale by Irving Airways for
service in Alaska. . Both images via Lars Opland.