VH-UUY B A Eagle Mk II
(c/n 128)

The B A Eagle II three seat
cabin monoplane was developed by the British Klemm Aeroplane
Co. in
1934, and taken over by the British Aircraft Manufacturing
Company in 1935. The
shot was taken in the
doorway of Sid Marshall's hangar in 1953 Photos Nos. 2 and 3
below are from the Geoff Goodall collection
and show
(upper) -UUY at Bankstown some years
after my above photo was taken,
and (lower) the aircraft out to pasture at Bathurst, NSW in
1967 (it was scrapped soon after and parts of it
were later
used in the reconstruction of the
earlier British Klemm Bk.1 VH-UTI).
The nice color shot (No 4) is by Greg Banfield also at
Bathurst in February 1966, before
deterioration had set in. Finally, at the
foot of the page
(Photo No 5) is a Goodall collection
image of the Eagle in 1941 in
camouflage and fin flash, as
dictated by DCA for the duration
of the

