VH-UQE Avro 616
Avian IVM
(c/n R3/CN/522)

Lots of pictures of
this Avian which was
registered 1 August 1931 (interestingly, three days before
I was
born) to Australian aviator Harry F. ("Jimmy") Broadbent of Sydney who
named it 'Dabs'.
The photo above from the Frank Walters collection (via Geoff Goodall)
shows it at Mascot when
brand new. Broadbent, who later
became a flying boat captain for various airlines, including Qantas,
flew the Avian
on an
historic flight Brisbane-Sydney-Melbourne-Adelaide
during that same month
(Aug, 1931) The photo below from the Fairfax
(Sydney Morning Herald) archives (via the NLA)
shows the intrepid aviator back at
Mascot on 14 August 1931 following this
flight. Any
anyone, on the cryptic symbols on the rudder?
Photo No 3 shows -UQE at Mudgee in 1933
owned by Ted Loneragan. This shot, along with the one immediately
below it, comes from
the family album of Maria Anstis
(Ted Loneragan's daughter). With no hangars at the Mudgee
strip, the
aircraft, when not flying, was towed with wings folded to the company
in town
(behind a 1928
Chrysler?) The Avian
was named Happy Days II (Happy Days I
being the
Moth VH-UNF, sold in May 1932). Geoff Goodall
saw the old bird at the 1975
Victoria Air Show, as seen in color shot (#4), whilst his earlier
image (photo # 5)
was taken at
Narracoote, SA in 1964. In truth, this restored
version of the original is mostly ex
and, as a result, carried the c/n of -UVX. Both
aircraft were
withdrawn from use (the
"true" VH-UQE after a
crash near
Batlow, NSW in 1947) and rebuilt
into one machine, circa 1959.
reason the hybrid was registered VH-UQE
rather than -UVX. To compound the
crisis I believe that, when this machine
underwent yet another rebuild, (following an accident in
it was restored to the register circa
1993 using the c/n of the
original -UQE, i.e.
R3/CN/531. It now
resides in the
Adelaide Soaring Club hangar at Goolwa, SA. and Andrei Bezmylov took
the hangar
shot of it there seen in photo # 6 in March
of 2009. . (Visible in the background is
the only other
Avian still current on the
register, carrying the rego VH-UVX
and c/n 522. (However,
since much of
the 'real' c/n 522 was
in the rebuild of -UQE, it is
probably a hybrid of many air-