VH-RVT DHC-1 Chipmunk
In 1960 the
Victorian Aero Club, along with most other Australian Aero Club
affiliates went away from the traditional all
silver with appropriate tail stripe themes to
a "more modern" image. This Chipmunk was
the first of the RVAC aircraft to undergo
such treatment. The fuselage
colors were mid and dark blue with white trim, whilst the
upper fin and rudder were in day-glo
orange (very popular at the time, but didn't last long).
The "wings" were
repositioned on the front of the fuselage. Being as conservative
as I
am, I always thought the dispensing of the
tail stripes was rather a retrograde step,
tantamount to an ex-Guards officer
away the regimental tie! Anyway, VH-RVT
was sold in 1964 becoming VH-RJK. Barrie Colledge's color shot
below shows this
Chippie in its
original all silver finish.