VH-ORI Beech 60
(c/n P-45)

This was formerly VH-ILI (ex N7648N). and later
VH-NYI. It wasn't until 1999 that it became
VH-ORI, following a
restoration. In Ian McDonell's shot above taken at Caboolture,
the photographic angle shows well the the pronounced pointed snout of
the Duke. . Sadly on the
night of 3 May 2012
this Duke was extensively damaged by
vandals at Caboolture Airport (see
Ian's picture below) . I
am told the damage was so
severe that the aircraft may have to be written
off. Also,
unfortunately, in today's society, even if
caught the miscreants would probably only get
a slap on the
wrist. Maybe a more
appropriate punishment would be to strip them of all assets and
'em to England, as kind of a reverse
Transportation! On second thoughts,
THAT wouldn't
work, since the
Pom government would
GIVE them a flat and food and medical care FREE (not
being U.K.
citizens, who themselves
certainly can not get such treatment). Such is our PC today!