VH-GAF (1) DHC-1 Chipmunk
(c/n C1-0083)

The rego of this Goulburn
Aero Club Chipmunk is barely discernible on the fin. Photo taken
Goulburn in May 1962 by
Dick Hourigan (via the Geoff Goodall collection). The Cessna 150
the background is VH-GAC, another of the
club's aircraft at the time. VH-GAF was formerly
with the Canberra Aero Club as VH-BVQ
from December 1956 until acquired by Goulburn in
August 1961. GAC re-registered in
VH-GAH(4) in June of 1963 when VH-GAF became a
restricted registration, It
was sold by the club in November 193 to the Alice Springs Aero
Cub wherein it became VH-AST. When that
identity was given to a Piper PA-32, this
Chipmunk became
VH-ASK. It is currently registered to Heany Park Pty Ltd (trading
as Air-
craft Engine Works - Australia) of Glen
Waverley, Melbourne and is currently under a rebuild
still as VH-ASK.