VH-FDA (3) Beagle B.206 Series 2
(c/n B.052)

Imported in 1967, this sleek twin was
one of three similar machines operated by the Royal
Doctor Service for over a decade. This example, of the NSW
Division, was seen by
Geoff Goodall
at Broken Hill, NSW in October 1967 when the machine was virtually
new. Although reported in just about every historical
record (including Beagle's own) as
being c/n B.050, Ron Cuskelly has done some in depth sleuthing and it
would appear that the
first two
RFDS Beagle 206s to be imported had their VH- identities transposed
upon arrival
Australia. VH-FDA was, in fact, ex G-AVCH, while
(c/n B.050), and the first
to arrive, actually became VH-FDB..
After over a decade of service with the RFDS, and
while on
a delivery flight back to the UK on 6 December 1978, VH-FDA crashed
about one
mile from
the Benitses coast off the Greek island of Corfu, after hitting a flock
of seagulls on
off. The two crew escaped but the aircraft was
lost. Some sources state that it was
(B.050) which crashed at Corfu. However, B.050 which was
registered N68S
in the US
on 18 July 1979, seven months after B.052 had come to grief on the
Greek island,
clearly -FDA (B.052) must have been the aircraft which crashed.