D.H.104 Dove 6 (c/n 04457)

A less than spectacular shot
(above) of
an ex-UK (G-AOAG) Dove at Bankstown in 1955. Rod
Adams' image (immediately
below) is much better and shows the aircraft at Adelaide Airport in 1962
when it was being used as a
courier aircraft between Adelaide and the Maralinga atomic test site in
South Australian
outback. When these duties were done it was exported in
became the
first aircraft registered
in the Solomon Islands as
was owned by Laurie Crowley who
launched charter
flights to the
Solomons from his base in
Papua/New Guinea. When regularly sched-
uled flights
commenced he named the company Megapode
Airways (after the dark, pigeon like bird
which inhabits the region -
one of whose features is
that it will only fly if absolutely necessary, preferring
to remain on
the ground!).
Anyway, I am indebted to Bob Smith of Kiama, NSW for the rare shot
(# 3 photo) of the Dove in
Melanesian markings
(Kiribati, Vanuatu and the Solomons all used VP-Pxx -
which became T3 upon the islands
independence {if it was, in fact, an achievement}
Accompanying it for
this photo shoot was
VH-RUN which later became VP-PAL. In February 2012
I received the photo at the
foot of the page taken by Robert Milburn during his days in the Solomons
of VP-PAA in company
with a US Navy R6D-1/C-118B (BuNo 131606). This DC-6 was
ized in 1981 as N4206L
for North Air Cargo, incidentally,.
Regarding the T3 bit:
Just why ICAO decided to
issue part letter and
part number
registration prefixes
after the war I will never
know. It's not
as if they had run out
of double letter combinations. Memory
tells me the first two such
oddities were Israel (4X-) and Sri Lanka
(4R-). Could they not have been,
say IL- and SL-
respectively? (Saarland, which was previously SL- had become D-
registered before
Ceylon was given
independence). Anybody in ICAO
care to respond to this?
Somebody had to have
made the decision.