VH-ASJ Grumman G159 Gulfstream
(c/n 52)

As I indicate in my narrative for
VH-ASG, Associated Airlines wasn't really an
airline at all, but was
the executive
aviation branch of the mighty Broken Hill Proprietary Company, one of
the world's
largest (if not THE largest) miners of metal ores in the world.
Its fleet was maintained at Melbourne's
Essendon Airport where Richard
Maclean took the above shot in 1962. Associated never
titled their
aircraft as such, and this one is bearing the name "Silver Gulfstream" almost as if
that is the carrier's
title. VH-ASJ was sold in the US in 1983 as N3858H.
It was owned by drug giant Bristol-Myers
Squibb and Frank Duarte
photographed it at Tampa International Airport in May of 1991 (below).
It is still on the register as