VH-ANE (1) Douglas
(c/n 42916)

The above rare shot of
-ANE at Sydney is from the John Hopton collection and shows it pre-
white top. Note Liberator and Anson (looks like VH-BMA on the
original print) in the back-
ground. My two shots below show it (upper) awaiting its
next assignment adjacent to a busy
ramp in 1954 and, (bottom of the page) clad in pseudo National Airlines
livery at the
same venue
some three years later..
In 1953 ANA
purchased two 'state of the art' DC-6s from
Airlines of
Miami, Florida, and so enamoured were
they of the paint job when they took
delivery of
them that they
kept it as their own and, in fact, repainted
a number of DC-4s to emulate
the color
scheme. To see what I mean, go to my National Airlines DC-4 shot for comparison.
(Ansett also did the same thing
when they purchased some Convairs from Braniff, but that's another
story). Anyway, as
with VH-ANB this DC-4 also had a varied life after it left Ansett-ANA
going first to Twentieth Century Airlines as N5518V. They sold it
to Trans Arabia Airlines
whence it was
registered G-APTT. In 1961 it was acquired by Air
Cameroun who
it as
TJ-ABD. Air Madagascar bought it in 1968 to
augment two similar
DC-4-1009s they had
from Air France. Its Malagasy Republic
registration was 5R-MCO. An aside
I can never understand why ICAO, in their
wisdom, started assigning number plus letter
country codes after WW
II. The first was Israel (4X) followed sharply by Sri Lanka
Then most (but not all) of
the emerging African independent nations were given similar
virtually every other "liberated" country. I mean, it's
not as if they had run out of
two letter
combinations. I can
understand their reticence at assigning "M" (could be the
of a
'Mayday' call) but
Malagasy could have been, say, 'AG'. Whatever.
continue the saga of poor old -ANE. By 1979 it was languishing at
Moroni Airport in the
Islands (nice place to languish) as D6-CAB (couldn't
Comoros have been
having spent
the last two years of its active life doing
heaven-knows-what with Air
