VH-AGA (2)
652A Anson
(c/n ?)

Several shots of
VH-AGA. It was formerly VH-AVT,
and prior to that it was R9883
with the RAF.
The image above was taken by Geoff
Goodall at Essendon in 1962, while immediately below is another
of Geoff's shots showing
the old Aggie as she was left to the elements outside the Adastra
Aerial Survey
hangar at Mascot in January
of 1964. Finally at the foot of the page is a photo by
Neville Parnell taken
at Camden, NSW in June of
1967 depicting the restored Anson incorrectly as "N5151" for the Camden
Aviation Museum. It
was reported in the late 1970s as being in the Museum's hangar
repainted with
the correct serial
R9883. Being an Adastra machine, a full and
complete history of this Anson can be
found on Ron Cuskelly's
site at