Havilland D.H.108 Swallow VW120

This was the aircraft which established a new Worl
Air Speed record of 974.02
km/h (604.98 mph) on a
100 km (62 mi) circuit on 12 April 1948. The following
year it
exceeded the speed of sound in a shallow dive from 12,195 m (40,000) ft
9,145 m (30,000)
ft. Three prototype Swallows (not D.H.'s official name) were
built to evaluate swept-wing handling characteristics at low and high
subsonic speeds.
The second of these was
destroyed in a crash which killed Geoffrey de Havilland, Jr,
son of
the company's founder, while the machine above was lost in February
1950 near
Brickhill, Bucks, when the aircraft's oxygen system failed,
incapacitating the pilot, S/L
Muller-Rowland, who plunged to his death. .