Stinson Model O
Chinese Air Force # 21

Another fascinating shot from
the scrapbook of my late father-in-law, Chun-Fu Chang. Three
Model Os were supplied to
China in 1934. They were originally acquired by the Kweichow Air
in 1934
and were then taken over by the Central Government. The model
O was unusual in that it was
the only open
cockpit aircraft ever built by Stinson. It was basically
built as the result of a request from
Lowell Yerex
(of TACA
Airlines fame) to acquire a suitable training/COIN aircraft for the
Honduras Air
Yerex, a New Zealander, had a great interest in
maintaining political stability
in Latin America.
That, after
all, was where he was developing
his civil airlines. The Honduran government eventually
five Model Os. In addition to the Chinese three, one went to
Brazil as PP-TBG and the
prototype (NX13817)
went to Lycoming Motors
Division making 10 in all.