With the unstable political situation in Europe in
the 1930s and with onslaught of WW II, neutral
Sweden was forced, in
order to stay neutral, to develop a viable air arm from its own
The incumbent
Junkers Ju86Ks needed replacement and SAAB came up with the model 18 in
answer to this
requirement. Some 250 of the aircraft were produced in several
a bomber, a
dive-bomber (seen above) and a torpedo bomber, all basically the same
but differing
in armament and ordnance
carried The B-18B was powered by two licence-built 1,475 hp
DB605s. Only one SAAB 18 has survived (and this one had to be
pulled out of
the bottom of
the Baltic Sea after resting there for 33 years). This restored
machine is now safely
ensconced in the
Flyvapenmuseum at Linkoping.