Northrop P-61B-15-NO Black Widow

What a great brute this aircraft was! The
Black Widow was one of the very few aircraft designed
at the outset as a night fighter,
and, in fact, the U.S.'s first as a radar-equipped
machine. Some 706
Black Widows were
built, the most numerous (450) being the P-61B seen above. They were
in both the
European and Far East theaters of war. For a pilot in a lightly
armored Mitsubishi A6M2
to have one of these monsters on
his tail must have been truly awesome! In Europe they
havoc against German
V-1 Doodle Bug sites in Holland and Northern Germany.
This P-61B has
a dorsal four gun
turret. Early machines had this armament removed since it caused
severe buffeting.
This problem was resolved
with later P-61Bs and the turrets were re-installed.