Tomtit K9777

The Tomtit was a promising trainer developed
in the late 1920s and intended to replace the
504K. The spec it was built to required a Armstrong Siddeley
Mongoose engine The
student in the
one above is under the hood. The fuselage was of all metal welded
tubing (as
opposed to the
normal wooden longerons of the day). Both civil and military
versions were
in small numbers - 24 for the RAF and 5 civil. (Several of the
ex-RAF machines
wound up on the civil register). Unfortunately, Hawkers, at that
time, were busy ramp-
ing up
for Hart (and variant) production and hence plant capacity could not be
spared for the
Tomtit. In hindsight, I wonder why they didn't subcontract for
licence production of this
especially since it was well liked by pilots.who flew it.