Gloster Goral J8673

In 1927 the Air
Ministry issued a spec (26/27) calling for a "General Purpose" aircraft
which was
capable of
using as many parts from the DH9A as possible. Glosters came up
with this rather un-
looking biplane which used the wings of the DH9A. Eight aircraft
were submitted
under the spec
including the A.W. Atlas, Fairey IIIF and the Westland Wapiti (Westland
were act-
ually the prime
contractor on the original DH9A). The latter won out and was
mass produced. (The
Fairey IIIF did not
qualify under the content of its usage of DH9A parts, but went on to be
a winner
in its own
right). In the event, only one Goral was built. Too
bad that the Gloster Aircraft Co. Ltd.,
back in 1948, saw fit
to only send me three-quarter head-on shots of their aircraft!