Douglas D-WC World Cruiser

Five Douglas D-WCs (a long range variant of the US Navy's
DT-2) were built in response to a
1923 United States Army Air Services request for an
aircraft capable of circumnavigating the
The prototype was followed by four production aircraft which were given
the numbers
1 thru 4 and named Seattle, Chicago, Boston and New Orleans.
However, in just about every
image I have ever seen
of these aircraft, including the one above, for the life of me I can
discern either a
number or a name on any of them! In truth, I believe the number
was carried on
the rear fuselage during
the actual flight. On the image above the number was either
over or hadn't yet been
applied. I offer this poor illustration therefore, purely for
historic interest.
Below is a close up of the
art work appearing on the fuselage sides. The actual flight was,
in fact,
something of an epic and
was flown from east to west, via Canada and Alaska. Not generally
appreciated is the
fact that it was the first staged crossing of the Pacific
Ocean. Only Chicago
and New Orleans completed the entire
trip, arriving back in the U.S. on 28 September 1924,
having covered some
28,945 statute miles..