Curtiss XB-2
Condor 26-211

This Curtiss image was dated
7-20-27, which is interesting since the first flight of this large,
covered biplane bomber did not occur until September of that year.
Power was supplied by a pair
600 h.p. Curtiss V-1570-7 Conqueror engines with rather odd, angular
radiatiors positioned on top
the nacelles. Like the NBS from which it had been developed, the
XB-2 had twin rudders with
twin tailplanes; not exactly the state of the art, even in 1927.
In the event only 12 production B-12s
supplied to the Army Air Corps. One report suggests that ground
crew considered them too
large, inasmuch
as they would not fit inside any of the hangars existing at the
time! Seen below,
courtesy of the George Hood collection, is a production one, featuring
rather ugly nose art. Most
of the B-2s were
based at March Field and had serials in the range 29-028 to 29-037.