Chase XC-123 Avitruc 47-786

Like its forerunner, the YC-122, the
XC-123 was a powered version of a larger experimental
military glider, the
XCG-20, designed by the Chase Aircraft Co Inc of West Trenton, N.J. in
the 1940s. Two
prototypes were built: seen above is the piston engined version,
the second one
being powered
by two GE J47 turbojets. In 1953, Henry J. Kaiser (maker of those
before their time - remember?) had acquired a majority share in Chase
Aircraft. Having
just completed
a long run of C-119s for Fairchild under contract, he felt he was in a
good position
to take
control of the impending C-123 contract. As is often the case,
personal politics led to
Kaiser being
told that no further contracts would be coming his way.
Subsequently, the C-123
contract was
put up for bid, and finally awarded to the Fairchild Engine &
Airplane Company.
They assumed
production of what became the C-123B Provider.