CAC CA-25 Winjeel A85-410
(c/n CA-25-10)

The above shot of
this early production Winjeel is from the Trevor Fuller
collection, via Maurice
Austin. The two consecutively
serialed examples (below) were photographed at Forrest, WA,
sometime in the late 1950s.and are from
Ellis Trautman. 62 examples of this trainer aircraft
built by Commonwealth Aircraft
Corporation at
Fisherman's Bend, Melbourne (plus two CA-22
model prototypes)
from 1955 to 1958 Just what the two below were doing out
the middle of the
Plain is unknown.
Most of the service life of Winjeels was spent at RAAF Point Cook,
as basic trainers. Many Winjeels were
civilianized when replaced in 1977 by the Pacific
Aerospace Corp's CT/4A
Airtrainer. (This latter aircraft
having been developed by AESL in New
Zealand from the successful civilian
Airtourer). A85-455 is still currently flying as VH-XXD.
CA-25 Winjeel A85-455
(c/n CA-25-55)

CA-25 Winjeel A85-456
(c/n CA-25-56)