37 Tramp
(c/n 5871)

I am not sure if I should be putting up images of
aircraft which did not actually fly (or why Bristol's
back in the
1940s, would send me a photograph of a machine which never took to the
air)? What-
ever, the
Tramp was a post WW I transport development of the company's Breamar
heavy bomber.
Just as, after WW
II, bombers such as the Lancaster and Halifax were converted to
transports, so
it was in
1918. Incredibly, the concept for the Tramp was that it was to be
powered by a steam
housed in an "engine room". Power would then be transmitted
through a series of transmission
shafts and gears to
the tractor airscrews. In the event, two proof of concept
examples were construct-
ed and powered
by four 230 h.p. Siddeley Puma engines housed in the fuselage engine
room. Such
were the
difficulties encountered with the clutches in the gear boxes connecting
the airscrew shafts with
the engines
that neither of the two monsters were ever flight tested. Too
bad. Perhaps this ingenious
courageous aircraft design deserved to have been continued, but the
economics of the times just
did not permit it.
Visschedijk of
http// tells me that J6912 and J6913,
(c/ns 5871
and 5872
respectively) were built to Specifications 9/11 and 11/20, and were
used as ground test rigs
at Farnborough.