XS-1 / X-1A 46-063

Seen above is the second of three initial XS-1 (later X-1)
prototypes. This is the aircraft in which
(then Captain) Chuck Yeager broke the
sound barrier on 14 October 1947. This was the first
time that Mach 1 had
officially been exceeded in controlled flight, although others claim to
preceded this
date. One was a P-86 Sabre a couple of weeks beforehand,
whilst a Luftwaffe
pilot claims to have done
so in a Me 163. Perhaps the key here is "controlled
flight". This aircraft
was later
converted to an X-1E to join three other more advanced X-1 supersonic
research aircraft,
the X-1A, X-1B and
X-1C. Seen below (top photo) is the first of these
follow-on machines
being loaded into its
in the mother-ship B-29 from which it was launched, and below (bottom
photo) the whole rig airborne,
showing the X-1A in its rather precarious perch. On August 26,
this X-1A was flown to a
altitude of 90,440 feet. It was unfortunately lost on July
20, 1955
when it had to be
from the launch aircraft following an onboard explosion