Beech XA-38 Grizzly 43-14407
/ 43-14406

Here are the only two Beech XA-38
Grizzlies ever constructed, up on a photo-op sortie in
1944. The aircraft was designed as a tank-buster armed with
a 75mm cannon in the nose,
along with a couple of remotely
controlled ventral and dorsal turrets containing twin 50 mm
guns. These were controlled by a gunner/observer positioned
in the rear cockpit
and aimed through telescopic sights. Unfortunately for Beech, by
the time the aircraft had
completed its teething trials, the war was coming to an end, and this,
plus the fact that its
Wright R-3350 engines were the same as those used in the B-29 which had
priority on them,
meant that the Beech machine was
never put into production. All in all it was a good
which appeared on the scene too late to be exploited.