Avro 561
Andover J7261

One wonders how much rudder had
to be applied to this beast during flight based on the
tiny one fitted (there doesn't appear to be a fin - looks like the
whole ruddy lot
moved). Possibly the forward
positioning of
the wings did not demand anything larger or
cause undue
oscillation? The Andover was developed from the Avro
Aldershot bomber
ostensibly to take over the
"Desert Air Route" from Cairo to Baghdad from the old Airco
D.H.10s. In the event, Imperial Airways took over this route and,
as a result, the only three
military Andovers built
were converted to air ambulances and seconded to Princess Mary's
RAF Hospital, based at
Halton. A civilian Andover, the Model 563 was also
and used by Imperial Airways
in the
1925-27 time frame. It was later also taken over by
the RAF.