Vickers 803 Viscount II
(c/n 178)

KLM's seventh Viscount at London Airport, circa
1958. Photo by Rodney Brown. It was named
'Sir Charles E. Kingsford
Smith' First delivered to
KLM in 1957, all nine of these Model 803s
were sold to Aer
Lingus a decade later. PH-VIG became EI-AOM on 14 February
1967. This
aircraft was the
one which mysteriously spun into the ocean near Tusker Rock, Ireland on
24 March
1968. All 57 passengers and 4 crew were lost. A
delinitive reason for the tragedy has never
(officially) been
released. Ad hoc theories put forward (not officially
sanctioned) have suggestions
ranging from
collision with another airborne object (missile, UFO, whatever) to
maintenance issues,
the latter compounded by
the fact that certain inspection documentation was missing (it had, in
just had its CofA