PH-LLE Lockheed L-188C Electra II
(c/n 2012)

This image was acquired from Jennifer
Gradidge for the second volume of my still-born books
to have
been entitled "Airlines and Airliners of Yesteryear". In the
event I decided to put all the
images out on the website. Anyway, KLM had procured a dozen
of the improved "series II"
in 1959, and operated them in the 1960s decade. In accordance
with the scheme then
they were registered in the PH-L-- series (for
"Lockheed"). This shot was taken at
London Airport in the early 1960s. This aircraft was
sold to Universal Airlines in the US in
1968 as N855U and
converted to a freighter. On 24 August 1970 the aircraft
was operating on
a Logair
flight for the US military from Hill AFB to Grand Forks via Mountain
Home, Spokane,
Falls and Minot. Shortly after take-off from Minot AFB on the
final leg to Grand Forks
when the
gear came up the aircraft was seen to pitch 15 degrees nose down and
crash onto the
some 8200 feet from the threshold. After sliding
another 2600 feet it turned 90 deg
and came to a
stop. Faulty manipulation of the hydraulic pumps providing boost to the
control was
given as the cause of the accident. The aircraft was a write-off.