OH-VKO Lockheed
18-40 Lodestar
(c/n 2084)

Extremely rare shot of a Karhumaki Airways Lodestar at
Helsinki Airport in 1951, loading, the
caption states,
for a flight to Koensuu. The airline had been formed in the 1930s
with a couple of
D.H.89A Rapides.
After WW II it acquired some Airspeed Oxfords, two Lodestars (OH-VKO
and -VKU) and later,
several DC-3s. It ran mainly internal Finnish services for a
number of years
before reverting to
purely charter business. The airline, then known as Kar-Air was
still operational
into the late
1990s, although I am not sure of the date, or reason, for its
demise. OH-VKO, above
had a varied career.
It was built as a civilian machine for Yukon Southern Airways in Canada
CF-BTY. In 1942
it was impressed into service with BOAC as G-AGEI and flown by crews
"Little Norway" on
services from the UK to Sweden. At the end of WW II it was
transferred to the
Norwegian Air Force and
used as the personal transport of the Norwegian royal family. It was
to Karhumaki in February 1951 as
OH-VKO Feb 27, 1951. When the DC-3s were acquired in
1953 it was sold in Sweden as
SE-BZKand was scrapped in 1962.