I-AXUM Capronia
Ca 133
(c/n unknown)

The Italians were certainly addicted to three motor
transports. Just look at the size of those spats.
The Ca 133 was an improved
version of the earlier Ca 100 and was used mainly on Ala Littoria's
routes to Italy's newly
acquired African colonies (Abyssinia, Somaliland, et
al). In fact, judging
by the gentleman in the
topee this shot was probably taken in sub-Sahara. I wonder what
the bloke with
the flag had? Ground control? Anyway, some 275 Ca 133s were
built, most of them
military machines.
Ala Littoria operated a dozen civilian ones. Below is a
color drawing of the
same aircraft. If
the artist is still around and would like credit for this nice work, I
would be delighted
to identity him/her.