Savoia-Marchetti S.71

Societa Aerea Mediterranea (SAM) was founded in
1926, with service from Rome to Brindisi and
later across
the Adriatic to Albania and, indeed, within
Albania itself (probably a better
service than
they have
today). A fleet of six S.71s was
used, including the prototype, I-AAYP
seen above. Below
is a
colorized reproduction of the same photograph from a John Player &
cigarette card set of
International Air Liners,
put out in 1938. In 1934, SAM combined with Navigazione Aerea
Societa Italiana Servizi Aerei (SISA)
to form Ala Littoria, the Italian national airline before WW II.
Most of the S.71s passed to the new airline. Since Ala Littoria
was not resurrected
(as such) after
WW II, and
since I did not commence writing to airlines for photographs until
1947/48, the only shots
have of pre WW II Italian civil aircraft will all have been taken
from pamphlets, brochures, old maga-
zines and
cigarette cards. i.e. newly formed Alitalia and LAI were unable to
provide me
with any
photographs unlike,
say, Swissair. However, I will
include the images I do have in my scrapbook
completeness, rather than as examples from real photographs.