HB-ILA Douglas DC-4-1009
(c/n 43072)

In late 1946/early 1947 Swissair acquired four brand new
DC-4s from Douglas (some of the last
DC-4s ever
built).. Here are two views of the first one.
They were later transferred to the newly
formed subsidiary
Balair (a resurrection of the name of one of its founders) in 1960 who
acquired four more
DC-4s of their own. HB-ILA was written off when it flew into a slope of the
Djebel Marr mountains in
the Sudan while cruising at 8000 feet. A navigational error was
as the cause of the
catastrophe. The aircraft was on a charter flight from
Niamey Airport in Niger
to Khartoum.
All 12 on board were killed.